Sunday, June 8, 2008

Nice Surprise in Church

Ryan and Christee Branch and their children Mackenzie and Josh were in Church with Ryan's father Robert.

Ryan is like our third son. He and Brad went all the way through school together and were best friends. Ryan was always a regular fixture around our house and even made a trip to my Mom and Dad's house one time. He and Brad were so close. Ryan lost one brother younger than him, that is who Josh is named after. Losing Brad was like losing a second brother.

Ryan found a gem in Christee. The more I get to know her the more I realize she is sweet, sincere, secure, and just a great compliment to Ryan. They are both really special people. Put all four together and they are a basically a storybook family.

Ryan became Athletic Director at Berrien County High School and Head Football Coach. He just finished his dissertation for his Doctorate.

They have been special to Erika in her grief and healing.

Here is a picture of them at Jason's first birthday. This picture is a perfect expression of just how nice this whole family is. They are so pleasant to be around. And, Josh likes Zaxby's.

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Conner's Trophy and Medal

Conner's Trophy and Medal
We were league co-champions and the medal was for his first ever home run. It was a three run homer. I helped coach.

Cole's First Graduation

Cole's First Graduation

Jason's First Birthday

Jason's First Birthday
He already likes horses.

Peanut Butter, Creamy or Crunchy