Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday Activities

Today was a pretty typical Sunday. Cheryl's toenails looked really nice where I painted them for her. That was a new experience last night. We went to Sunday School, I taught my class though I am not really a teacher, more a discussion leader and story teller. Then I helped Cheryl keep the nursery which is something she enjoys and for me a true labor of love. I am in withdrawals because I didn't g my Zaxby's fix today. We ate at the Senior Adult Luncheon at the Church.
The menu was not really one of my favorites. I actually would rather have home cooking at home because we make it better. The pork roast, the fruit salad, the hoecake, the mac and cheese all tasted like turnip greens. I hate turnip greens.
Tonight we had a great supper. Ham Steaks, Broasted potatoes, cream corn, okra, potato salad, conecuh sausage, stewed squash, and topped off with banana pudding. MMMMMMMM MMMMMM!

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Conner's Trophy and Medal

Conner's Trophy and Medal
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Cole's First Graduation

Cole's First Graduation

Jason's First Birthday

Jason's First Birthday
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Peanut Butter, Creamy or Crunchy